How the members of the community can help to make the development process of Libarea Faster? Вопрос
How we can help @evg to make the development of Libarea faster? i believe the development process is very slow, and we must give a hand to make it faster.
URL parser need more fixes, the admin panel is a major thing to be developed as soon as possible.
I don't think it's necessary to make any acceleration now. Perhaps soon the main site code will be rewritten. Of course, it is possible to do the work twice, but it is not rational.
Right now, for example, I'm busy with css. This will last at least another week, two. There is no way to speed this up.
Я не думаю, что необходимо сейчас делать какие-то ускорения. Возможно скоро основной код сайта будет переписан. Выполнять работу 2 раза, конечно можно, но не рационально.
Сейчас я, например, занят с css. Это продлится ещё минимум неделя, вторая. Это ни как не убыстрить.