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Benefit of Open Graph that can be used on here

Benefit of Open Graph that can be used on here

Open Graph Tags for Twitter: Twitter Cards

If you’re not familiar with Twitter’s cards, they allow you to attach media files and add extra information to your tweets. This can be useful for increasing the visibility of your tweets and providing additional context for users who click through.

Although they’re not the same thing, Twitter’s cards use the same open graph protocol and it looks similar to OGP tags. Implementing these tags makes it much easier to create Twitter cards without duplication issues.

Like Facebook’s Open Graph tags, Twitter Cards let you stand out from the crowd of tweets. In short, they allow you to generate some additional content from your 140-character tweet.

This doesn’t show up on people’s feeds automatically, but it adds a little…


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Machine Learning and AI

So yesterday I tried learning something new and I decided to dive into Machine Learning and AI.
It was really interesting as I was able to train my first ML Model.

So I found an interesting article here by @Evg about introducing AI into this system it will be a really innovative tool especially when you use AI to moderate.

My first AI was really a big mess as its accuracy is just 0.25% but I will continue to work on it to see how better I can make it and also see how best It will solve the problem I'm developing it for 😁

If you have any experience in AI and Machine learning I would love to hear your thoughts on this!!!


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