How hleb is effecting the maintainability and security of Libarea? Вопрос
Last updated 10 months ago.
how hleb is effecting and will effect the maintainability and security of Libarea? is this will effect the life of Libarea in the future?
what if the writer decided to abandon it especially with the big competition with Laravel.
As the author of the framework, I can write that the silence in the repository is related to the redesign of the framework. Some parts of it, such as facets, were made for Libarea. If Taylor Otwell is ready for something like this.
В общем, написал, что не стоит ему за фреймворк волноваться. Из фасетов там только роутинг, насколько помню, реализован. Тут как бы фреймворк не ради фреймворка, для своих проектов использую.