Allow Admins to close specific to prevent the users from posting comments on the posts

I would like to see a feature to allow the admin to close specific topics to prevent users from posting comments, users will still be able to post to the topic, but they cannot post comments.

Tell me your opinion.

5 Ответов

  1. able to post to the topic, but they cannot post comments

    How do you post to the topic, if you disable comments???

    Or do you mean «Post A topic? «to the» and «a» = big difference.

    1. No, they can submit post, but they cannot comment.
      why this, i want to make a topic named Wikipedia, so the users can share links to articles they have read today, so no need to have comments on these links, i just want them to read more and more from Wikipedia instead of talking about the article.

  1. Thanks for the offer!

    The first thing I want to say is that Facets are the main navigation here and work on them will continue. We have a lot to do.

    Regarding the setting that will allow you to prohibit the publication of comments. Yes, this might make sense, for example, for the Documentation section, where we don't want to see Comments.

    In general, thanks again, I'll think about it.

    Первое, что хочется сказать — Фасеты тут основная навигация и работы по ним будут продолжены. Есть много чего необходимо сделать.

    По поводу настройки, которая позволит запретить публикации комментариев. Да, это возможно имеет смысл, например, для раздела Документации, где мы не хотим видеть «Обратную связь» через комментарии.

    1. How do you post to the topic, if the admin disabled the comments? LOL

      I'm guessing google translate?

  1. Функция добавлена. Изменения на GitHub внесены. Есть изменения в базе!

    ALTER TABLE `facets` ADD `facet_is_comments` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Are comments closed (posts, websites...)?' AFTER `facet_type`;