UX improvement suggest and General suggestion
@Evg I would like to make a suggestion and add to a submission here on topic creation.
I think you can Improve the UX by making the creation of a topic straightforward just few field when creating then all other info needed to be set can be included in a setting page for the topic another improvement I would like to see in topic is the ability to be able to set a topic to approve only where all submission needs to go through an admin or moderator before the submission is added to the topic, this can be used mainly for small topic with focus discussions.
Second suggestion is on the blog module I hope it is detached soon because it still serve like a topic just that you still have to select a topic to add your blog post to which totally makes sense but I don't think selecting a topic should be a requirement to make a blog post after studying on implementing each blog as a subdomain and I discovered it's not an easy task but I still hope we will get there.
Third suggestion is on when making an article the forms are too long for one page I think it will be a better UX if it is implemented as a stage 1st stage will be writing your header and article 2nd stage will be selection of topics and all other selection then the last stage should be a preview of your article before publishing.
My last suggestion is on mobile compatibility I know the site is compatible with mobile to an extend but there are still alot of thing missing that can only be seen on the desktop version I feel we have more mobile user than desktop user and mobile versions should be atleast 95% as the desktop version.
I hope you look into this and give me your suggestions too to know if any of the plan is in motion
Very interesting. Thank you! +
I think the only thing holding is time. It's always not enough.
Everything will be done next.
However, let's see with the first point what can be done today. Today I will try to simplify the creation of the Topic. Remove 2 items:
andmeta description
. At what slug will be created automatically.However, Theme is very important and is part of the navigation. Automatic creation of, for example, a slug may not be particularly correct. And you can forget about the meta description later (do not go into editing and start editing).
The placement of these fields in the first step was done because of their importance.
Was / will be

Final version (slug remained)

Change to the site added, on GitHub during the day.
However, I noticed that in some other communities, the script does not force the participants to do it right (here I tried to do it right away). For example, on Reddit, there is a general picture that if you do something wrong, then these are your problems. )
Let's do the same here. And it will be easier.
If the admin doesn't fix the SLUG later and add the Meta Description, that's their problem. )
Из того, что вы пишите многое будет сделано. Спасибо.
Давайте сегодня посмотрим первый пункт. Упростим создание Темы. Уберем поля со
иМета- описанием
. SLUG вообще будем создавать автоматически.Почему они были добавлены в 1 шаге? Потому, что Темы важны. Это навигация. Ничего нет важней тут, чем Темы. А участник, пусть и админ потом может не пойти в редактирование и не начать корректировать тот же SLUG, который будет не совсем корректный, т.к. был создан автоматически.
Есть подход Reddit, там вообще плевать на то, что делает админ сообщества, например. Скрипт не заставляет. Если он что-то сделал не так, это его проблема.
Давайте и тут сделаем так же.
Подобное поведение (а значит и некоторая сложность) была тут изначально добавлена в первый шаг многих действий. Чтобы защитить от ошибки. Акцентировать на SEO, например.
Дабайте уберем. :)
Насчет создания Блога — насколько это частая операция, чтобы упрощать? В среднем один пользователь будет создавать в лучшем случае один Блог и возможно стоит рассмотреть более приоритетные вещи. К тому, что КПД будет невелико по сравнению с улучшением UI создания поста и сообщения.