Is it possible to run Libarea on Shared Host through Cpanel

I have been trying to run this script on a shared host for hours and no progress yet.
This is the process I Used

  • Uploaded Script to Cpanel file manager
  • Extract the files
  • Setup database
  • Setup my htaccess file
  • Tried my link /favicon.ico but also getting this error below

But when I try I see the icon but with the index.php I get different server error like errorr 500 too many redirects.

My question is does this script run on Cpanel Host or I have to use a VPS and deploy with terminal??? If anybody has tried with cpanel host please tell me your procedure.

3 Ответа

  1. You don't have a server set up.

    You wrote that you see the file:

    But you should see it at this address:!

    Look at the article: Why is index.php in the public folder and not in the public folder?

    In short, can you ask technical support to make a public directory in the public folder? They know what the conversation is about.

    You need to configure the server so that the file becomes visible on:

    As a last resort, you can put the .htaccess file next to the start.hleb.php file. And there:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
    RewriteRule (.*)  /public/$1 [L]

    У вас не настроен сервер.

    Вы написали, что видите файл:

    Но вы должны видеть его по этому адресу:!

    Посмотрите на статью: Почему index.php находится в папке public, а не в общей папке?

    Если быть кратким, вы можете попросить техническую поддержку сделать публичный каталог в папке public? Они знают о чем идет разговор.

    1. Okay I will contact the technical team to assist me on that thank you will keep you updated

  1. @Evg I have finally got it to work the error I made was to delete the htaccess file in the public folder which made everything not to work but its working fine now
    finally I'm now waiting for the next update thank you for this project.