
how to install libareai on shared hosting , hostinger ?

Hello, I'm from Vietnam, the first time I heard about libarea, it took me about 12 hours continuously to find how to install libareai on shared hosting.
Sorry my English is translated from google. Is there any specific instructions for installing the script?

6 Ответов

  1. Hello, there are installation instructions on GitHab:


    • migrate: scripts/dev.sql
    • settings: config/database.php and other files in the directory
    • Log in to your account using administrator credentials: ss@sdf.ru / qwer14qwer14
    • Or user: test@test.ru / test@test.ru

    PHP >= 8.2, MySQL 8+ or > MariaDB 10.2.2

    The Public Directory

    Структура LibArea

    The public directory contains the index.php file, which is the entry point for all requests entering your application and configures autoloading. This directory also houses your assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS.

    There is another article (есть ещё статья):


    If you have any questions, write here, via PM or in chat. I will try to help if there are difficulties with installation or update.

    Установка LibArea на Shared хостинг с FastPanel


    1. Thanks for replying. I'm using hostinger.com end error 403
      and don't see the file start.hleb? https://libarea.ru/dev/2/libarea-0.7.6.zip

      1. I may have figured out where you found the information about the file: start.hleb

        There used to be this file, now it's gone. Updated photos of folders and files of the LibArea structure.

        I wrote to you in a personal message.

        1. thank you for texting you, sorry i used google translate to text you

        1. Скажите пожалуйста, а есть ли какая-то инструкции по установке на VDS?

          1. На данный момент только вот такая:
