Two suggestions on Hleb framework Вопрос

  • It is recommended to add paging function
  • It is recommended to put the manual on GitHub to facilitate translation into other languages

4 Комментария

  1. Hello! I would like to clarify. Is your question about the original PHP Micro-Framework HLEB ( or is it about the loriup site engine (

    As for the documentation, I understood, thanks for the suggestions. What is a «paging function» (is it page pagination)? If possible, write in more detail.

    To change the translation, in the file: start.hleb.php find:

    define('SITE_LANG', 'ru' );


    define('SITE_LANG', 'en' );

    The transfers themselves are stored: /app/Language/

    P.S. I have sent you a private message.

  1. Может стоит записать часто задаваемые вопросы и тут сделать страницу с ответами?

  1. The default language in the templates is English.

    The translation is located in this folder:

    You can switch the languages, as noted above, in the file: start.hleb.php

    @evg документацию, думаю, уже необходимо делать.

  1. Уже начал, форсировать не буду, как код будет сформирован размещу его на GitHub.