Azodu - the open source Old Reddit

Ivana Ivana 31 Августа

With Azodu you can quickly have a feature-complete Reddit-like site that is easy to setup, highly scalable and requires no human moderation.



  • Comments: create, reply, edit, delete, save, nested comments and link to comments
  • Posts: create (text and link posts), reply, edit, delete, save
  • Sorting: sort feeds by latest, top and controversial. Sorting takes place in-memory (no DB calls)
  • Rich Text editing: powered by Quill
  • Currency: users earn a currency for getting their content upvoted which they can use to create categories
  • Categories: create, subscribe, unsubscribe
  • Votes: vote on comments and posts
  • Authentication: via stateless JSON web tokens
  • Users: login, registration and profile pages with saved (private) content, public post and comment history
  • Responsive design: works out of the box on PC, mobile and tablet
  • Administration: pin posts, delete posts
  • AI Moderation: posts and comments are all run though Open AI's moderation endpoint
  • AI Summaries: all post content is summarized with AI
  • embeds for link submissions
  • Thumbnails: auto-generated from links on submission
  • Scalability: built in HTTP caching behind Cassandra with a highly scalable architecture
  • Security: rate limiting on HTTP request and failed moderation frequency. Each time a user fails moderation, they must wait progressively more time to submit again.


10 Ответов

  1. Evg Evg 31 Августа (ред.)

    Добавлю в статью про скрипты для Reddit. Спасибо. plus

  1. Bianity Bianity 1 Сентября (ред.)

    I don't like. Not Good!

    LibArea, verry Gooooood 👍👍👍👍

  1. fomiash fomiash 2 Сентября (ред.)

    А как отключить T9 пни печати сообщения? Он как-то странно себя ведет…

    1. fomiash fomiash 3 Сентября

      Вот, вроде получается без Т9 теперь.
      Мне показалось странным такое:

      Сортировка: сортировка каналов по последним, топовым и спорным. Сортировка происходит в памяти (без вызовов БД)

      Как можно справиться с 10K каналов, например, не обращаясь к БД, неужели грузить все разом в память.

  1. jayabie jayabie 2 Сентября (ред.)

    Its very flat and ugly to be honest.

    1. Bianity Bianity 3 Сентября (ред.)

      Yes, it is true! very ugly. Even the owner of the Azodu site is very sensitive and deletes the blog site URL if someone posts on it. The site is useless!

      1. Ivana Ivana 3 Сентября (ред.)

        I only added this because it was open source, maybe not good for spamming there. ;)

        1. Bianity Bianity 3 Сентября (ред.)

          I don't think it's about spam, because there are also many who share site urls and even provide a site url submit form. Then if the owner of the azodu site doesn't like it, I don't think there's any need to open the site openly. Very funny and strange 😆

      1. jayabie jayabie 4 Сентября (ред.)

        He is what? very sensitive? 😂😂😂

  1. abasov90 abasov90 5 Сентября (ред.)

    весь сайт одним скриптом сделан на 1000 строк