

7 Ноября 2024
Комментарии buivanbac
Alma V3 warning for

I'm a bit confused when writing a post on alma, for someone who visits the site for the first time and wants to write a post, it's really difficult to post on a community, the settings button is hidden

how to install libareai on shared hosting , hostinger ?

thank you for texting you, sorry i used google translate to text you

ADD: Скрипт сообщества LibArea (0.7.6)

If I change the language to English or Vietnamese, when writing, the percussion tool will not work? Please tell me how to solve it, thanks?

how to install libareai on shared hosting , hostinger ?

Thanks for replying. I'm using hostinger.com end error 403
and don't see the file start.hleb? https://libarea.ru/dev/2/libarea-0.7.6.zip