Retrospring is a free open source q&a social network

Retrospring is a free, open-source social network following the Q&A (question and answer) principle of sites like Formspring, or CuriousCat.

Retrospring Q&A

Users can create accounts on Retrospring to receive questions from other users of the site and/or anonymous people on the Internet. They can also follow each other on Retrospring to see new answers of their friends in the timeline and to ask their followers interesting questions.

Ruby Q&A Retrospring



1 Ответ

  1. Знакомая система, я там зареген (скриншот вам от туда в статью добавил).

    На Ruby сделана. По мне тяжеловат язык для таких целей. Хотя… на любителя. Мне просто он надоел после Discourse, видимо не мой стек.

    It’s a familiar system, I’m registered there (I added a screenshot from there to your article).

    Made in Ruby. For me, the language is too heavy for such purposes. Although… I just got tired of it after Discourse, apparently not my stack.